
All ideas streamlined into a single flow of creativity. Smiltė.

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Capacity and connection

As I look through this first digital annual report from NCLC, I’m struck by a couple of things. First, by our capacity. In the short time I’ve been involved with the Conservancy, both the volume and quality of work we’re able to accomplish has expanded tremendously. Large-scale conservation projects we only dreamed about 10 years ago are becoming reality. Second, by our partnerships. What a network! We are working with so many private and federal, state, and local groups these days, all with the same shared goals. And often as not, those groups are approaching NCLC as the go-to to get conservation done.

The next year—2020—will be a pivotal year as we solidify funding for the Rainforest Reserve that NCLC is working so hard to conserve. Thank you for being a part of the NCLC story: of conservation led by the community for community benefit, for generations to come.

John Mersereau
President, Board of Directors
North Coast Land Conservancy